What Tools Do Hygienists Use to Clean Teeth?
Ultrasonic Tools
The ultrasonic vibration tool is used to break the tartar, or solidified calcium deposits from saliva, into smaller pieces for easier removal. While the vibration jars it loose, a steady mist of water is used to wash the tartar away and keep the surface of the tooth from overheating.
Hand Tools
After removing the large pieces of tartar, smaller, more precise hand tools are used to smooth the tooth surface and remove any remaining small pieces. Using the hand tools to scrape away tartar deposits requires some pressure.
After the tooth enamel is clean, a polisher is used to make teeth shiny and smooth. The polisher is a hand-held device with a spinning rubber cup on the end that is used with special toothpaste.
Dental Floss
After polishing the teeth, dental floss is used to ensure all deposits are removed from between the teeth as well.