How to Bleach Implanted Teeth
Implanted teeth use titanium screws that are surgically implanted into the jaw as a "root." The tooth is then capped with a crown. When an implant is put into place, the color is matched to the hue of the existing natural teeth. If the crown is made from porcelain, applying bleach whitening products will not alter the color of the artificial tooth. If an implanted tooth is whiter than the natural teeth, the natural teeth may be bleached and lightened in color to match. To whiten an implant, the implant can be replaced, or veneers can be applied.Instructions
Consult a dentist with expertise in cosmetic dentistry to discuss whitening your natural and implanted teeth. Your dentist will inform you of bleaching options and options for whitening an implanted tooth. Options for bleaching your teeth include at home whitening kits and in office whitening. Implanted teeth may need to be replaced to match the color of natural teeth.
Decide how you will lighten the color of the implanted tooth. The crown may be replaced by the dentist in a lighter color to match bleached natural teeth, or veneers may be applied to all of the teeth for a whiter smile.
Undergo bleaching as directed by a dentist, either in the office or using at home whitening kits. The dentist may make an impression of your teeth to create a whitening tray for your use at home.
Wait a few weeks, as determined by your dentist, for the color to stabilize. Waiting for the color to stabilize will provide a better match when the dental work is replaced.
Undergo replacement of the implanted crown to match the bleached natural teeth. Alternately, veneers may be applied to all of the teeth to match the color and increase whiteness.