What Are the Benefits of Power Toothbrushes?
Electric toothbrushes last significantly longer than manual toothbrushes, although their heads still need to be replaced periodically.
Electric toothbrushes are designed to be ergonomic and can help when the person brushing has a disability (for example, a weak grip or limited movement because of arthritis). Electric toothbrushes often have different speeds and modes to suit individual preferences.
Electric toothbrushes are convenient because the person brushing does not have to think about the number of strokes and where to aim. These toothbrushes often have in-built timers that tell a person how long to brush in each section of the mouth.
Electric toothbrushes remove more plaque and help prevent gingivitis, or gum disease. As such, they reduce the need for expensive, painful surgery and even dentures. They may also help remove stains from teeth.
Electric toothbrushes feel strange in the mouth and may be unbearably ticklish to begin with. They can also be quite expensive---over $100 for some high-end models like the Sonicare.