Can i perm my hair after a tooth extraction?
- Pain and discomfort: Tooth extraction is a surgical procedure that can cause pain, swelling, and discomfort in the mouth and jaw area. Perming your hair involves chemical treatments and heat styling, which can potentially exacerbate the pain and discomfort experienced after the extraction.
- Risk of infection: Following a tooth extraction, the extraction site is a vulnerable area that is prone to infection. Perming your hair requires extensive washing, rinsing, and styling, which can increase the risk of water, chemicals, or contaminants entering the extraction site and causing an infection.
- Swelling and bruising: Tooth extractions can lead to swelling and bruising in the face and jaw area. Perming your hair, especially with tight curls or rollers, can put pressure on the swollen tissues and worsen the swelling and bruising.
- Limited mouth opening: After a tooth extraction, it is common to experience restricted mouth opening due to swelling and discomfort. This limited mouth opening can make it difficult to rinse and style your hair properly during the perming process.
- Healing process: Undergoing a chemical hair treatment like a perm during the healing phase after a tooth extraction can potentially interfere with the natural healing process of the extraction site. It is important to give your body time to heal and recover before subjecting it to additional stress or procedures.
Therefore, it is generally advisable to wait until you have fully recovered from your tooth extraction and have been given the all-clear by your dentist or oral surgeon before considering a hair perm. Consult with your dentist or doctor to determine the appropriate timeframe for resuming such cosmetic procedures after your tooth extraction.