What happens if you get impacted canine teeth fixed?
Orthodontic Treatment:
1. Consultation and Diagnosis: An orthodontist will evaluate your teeth and jaws to determine the best course of treatment.
2. Creating Space: If there's insufficient space for the impacted canine to erupt normally, the orthodontist may create space by expanding the dental arches using appliances like palatal expanders.
3. Alignment: Braces or clear aligners will be used to align the teeth, making space for the impacted canine to come into its proper position.
4. Traction: Once enough space is created, an orthodontic appliance called a "traction device" will be attached to the impacted canine. This device applies gentle force, gradually guiding the canine into its correct position.
5. Retention: After the canine is in place, retainers will be used to hold the teeth in their new positions and prevent them from shifting back.
Surgical Intervention:
1. Consultation and Diagnosis: Just like in orthodontic treatment, an oral surgeon or a maxillofacial surgeon will examine your teeth and jaws to determine the best approach.
2. Surgical Exposure: The surgeon will expose the impacted canine through a small incision in the gums.
3. Orthodontic Attachment: In some cases, an orthodontic bracket may be attached to the exposed canine during the surgery, and traction will be applied to guide the tooth into its proper position.
4. Healing and Alignment: After the impacted canine is exposed, the surgical site will be allowed to heal, and further orthodontic treatment using braces or aligners may be necessary to align the teeth.
5. Final Restoration: Once the canine is in its correct position, it may require additional restorative treatment, such as bonding or dental crowns if it was severely impacted and has a compromised structure.
The treatment plan for impacted canine teeth may vary depending on individual cases, and it's crucial to follow the dentist's or orthodontist's instructions throughout the treatment to achieve successful and long-lasting results.