How do you pull out a really loose tooth if youre scared?
- Clean gauze/paper towel
- Mirror
Step 2: Wash your hands
Step 3: Gently wiggle your tooth
- Move the tooth back and forth with your fingers.
- Avoid jerking or twisting.
- If it hurts or feels stuck, stop and try again later.
Step 4: Use the gauze if needed
1. Gently grasp your loose tooth with the clean gauze or paper towel.
2. Twist and pull the gauze in a quick motion.
3. Try to keep your head still.
Step 5: Bite on the gauze
- You can also bite down on a clean piece of gauze or paper towel to apply pressure to the empty space.
- This will help stop any bleeding.
Tip: Pulling a loose tooth should not be painful. If you experience any pain, discomfort or the tooth still feels firmly attached, wait a few days and try again.