How to Clean a Cavitron
Things You'll Need
- Dental autoclave
- Replacement hand pieces
- Replacement ultrasonic inserts
- Sterilizing spray
- Clean towels
Open the office or chair water supply line and turn on the Cavitron. Set the water control knob to maximum. Hold the hand piece upright over a sink and activate the Cavitron with the foot pedal. Flush the water line for at least two minutes; follow this procedure at the beginning and end of each day.
Remove the hand piece and ultrasonic insert from the machine between each patient and at the end of each day. Sterilize the hand piece and insert into an autoclave.
Spray water based disinfectant solution on a clean towel. Wipe and disinfect the Cavitron cabinet, power cord, hand piece connector, cable assembly and foot control with disinfectant and a towel between each patient. Discard the used towel and allow the disinfectant to air dry. Repeat this procedure at the end of each day.
Flush the water supply line to the Cavitron for at least 30 seconds between each patient by holding the hand piece over a sink and activating the Cavitron with the foot pedal.