Toothpaste Substitutes
Vigorously brushing your teeth with toothpaste is not going to get them any cleaner. Toothpaste contains abrasives that can damage your teeth. If you always brush aggressively, switch to mouthwash. Dip the bristles of your toothbrush in mouthwash and brush your teeth. The mouthwash will kill bacteria in your mouth and reduce plaque organisms. Choose a non-alcohol containing mouthwash because alcohol can trigger dry mouth which can lead to tooth decay.
Raw Foods
If you don't have toothpaste and a toothbrush after a meal, eat an apple for desert. Chewing raw, fiber-rich foods such as apples, cucumbers, pears, carrots and radishes increases your saliva flow. Acids in your mouth are neutralized and your gums and teeth are cleaned due to the high water content in these foods. If you eat foods that are highly acidic, such as lemons and oranges, don't use this method. Instead, swish water in your mouth afterward to remove or reduce the acid.
Baking Soda and Salt
Brushing with baking soda cleanses your teeth. Baking soda is found in many over-the-counter toothpastes, but can also be used alone to counteract acidity in your mouth. Make a toothpaste substitute by mixing equal amounts of baking soda and salt together. Dip a wet toothbrush in the mixture and brush. The salt promotes saliva flow which helps protect your enamel and also gives you a clean aftertaste.
Chewing Gum
Sugar-free gum can act as a temporary replacement for toothpaste. Chewing on a piece of sugar-free gum after a meal can neutralize acids in your mouth and help prevent tooth decay. Chewing gum promotes saliva, which transports minerals and helps clean your teeth and mouth. The stickiness of the gum removes food particles stuck between your teeth. Look for a sugar-free, commercial dental gum with ingredients such as xylitol which reduces plaque in your mouth or baking soda which neutralizes acids. Chew the gum at least 15 minutes to get full teeth-cleansing benefits.