Natural Alternatives to Toothpaste
Baking Soda
Baking soda cleans and deodorizes teeth, kills bacteria and acts as a natural whitener. Many manufactured toothpastes contain baking soda, which works well on its own as a natural alternative to toothpaste. Mix baking soda with enough water to make a paste and then apply it to your toothbrush. Although its flavor is strong, you can freshen your mouth afterwards with mint or mouthwash.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Another natural toothpaste alternative is hydrogen peroxide, which you must purchase in its food-grade form, a 3 percent solution that is weaker than the kind commonly found in drug stores. Even though you cannot apply this liquid to your toothbrush, hydrogen peroxide will fulfill toothpaste's purpose and sterilize your toothbrush. Like baking soda, hydrogen peroxide cleans, deodorizes and sanitizes your mouth and it has a strong flavor.
Coconut Oil
Brushing or rinsing with coconut oil immediately after you consume sugary or acidic foods will protect your gums and fight bacteria in your mouth. Coconut oil acts as an alkaline and neutralizes the acid that corrodes teeth and leads to the formation of cavities. Compared to baking soda and hydrogen peroxide, coconut oil is more expensive but has additional culinary uses.
Other Sources of Fluoride
Although some seafood contains minute amounts of fluoride due to the natural presence of fluoride compounds in the ocean, no substantial source of fluoride exists in food or liquid form apart from fluoridated tap water, which is easily available in the United States. If you choose not to use manufactured toothpaste, drink tap water to acquire a regular dose of fluoride, which protects teeth against dental caries.