Would getting an industrial piercing before your wisdom teeth pulled be bad?
1. Pain and discomfort: Getting an industrial piercing involves puncturing the cartilage of your ear, which can be quite painful. After your wisdom teeth are pulled, you will likely experience pain, swelling, and discomfort in your mouth and jaw area. Having an additional piercing to deal with during this time can add to the overall pain and discomfort you may be experiencing.
2. Healing process: Both industrial piercings and wisdom teeth removal require healing time. The healing process for an industrial piercing can take several months, and it's important to keep the area clean and avoid any unnecessary irritation or trauma. On the other hand, wisdom teeth removal also requires a certain amount of recovery time, and you will need to follow post-operative instructions to ensure proper healing. Having two healing sites to care for simultaneously can be challenging and can potentially interfere with the healing process of both.
3. Cross-contamination risk: During the healing process of both the piercing and the wisdom teeth extraction, it's crucial to maintain good oral hygiene to prevent infection. Having an open wound in your mouth (from wisdom teeth removal) while also having a fresh piercing in your ear increases the risk of cross-contamination. Bacteria from your mouth can spread to the piercing site and vice versa, leading to infection and hindering the healing process.
4. Limited mouth opening: After wisdom teeth removal, it's common to experience limited mouth opening due to swelling and discomfort. This can make it challenging to properly care for your industrial piercing, such as cleaning it and ensuring it doesn't get snagged or irritated by your teeth.
For these reasons, it's generally advisable to wait until your wisdom teeth have been pulled and you have fully recovered before getting an industrial piercing. This will help minimize discomfort and ensure that both the piercing and your wisdom teeth extraction sites can heal properly.