10 example of unfamiliar words that antonyms?

Here are 10 pairs of unfamiliar words and their antonyms:

Here are 10 pairs of unfamiliar words and their antonyms:

1. Brobdingnagian (adjective) - extremely large; gigantic

Antonym: Lilliputian (adjective) - extremely small; miniature

2. Deipnosophist (noun) - a person who enjoys intellectual conversation, especially while eating

Antonym: Misologist (noun) - a person who hates or distrusts intellectual reasoning or argument

3. Fulsome (adjective) - excessively complimentary or flattering

Antonym: Acerbic (adjective) - sharply critical or bitter in tone

4. Ineffable (adjective) - too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words

Antonym: Effable (adjective) - capable of being expressed or described in words

5. Nebulous (adjective) - vague; unclear; hazy

Antonym: Perspicuous (adjective) - clear; transparent; easily understood

6. Obdurate (adjective) - stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or position

Antonym: Tractable (adjective) - easily managed; submissive; compliant

7. Quixotic (adjective) - impractical; idealistic; visionary

Antonym: Pragmatic (adjective) - realistic; practical; down-to-earth

8. Rumbustious (adjective) - boisterous; noisy; unruly

Antonym: Demure (adjective) - reserved; modest; shy

9. Soporific (adjective) - causing sleep; drowsy; sedating

Antonym: Exhilarating (adjective) - invigorating; stimulating; exciting

10. Ubiquitous (adjective) - present everywhere; widespread

Antonym: Rarefied (adjective) - exclusive; scarce; limited

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