How do you remove super glue from porcelaine dentures?
1. Gather the necessary materials:
- Acetone
- Cotton swabs
- Q-tips
- A pair of tweezers
2. Prepare the dentures.
- Rinse the dentures thoroughly with warm water to remove any loose dirt or debris.
- Dry them completely with a clean cloth or paper towel.
3. Apply acetone to a cotton swab.
- Be sure to use a small amount of acetone, as it can be harsh on the dentures if too much is used.
4. Gently rub the cotton swab over the super glued area.
- Apply gentle pressure and work in small circular motions.
- Be careful not to rub too hard, as this could damage the dentures.
5. Let the acetone sit for a few minutes.
- Allow the acetone to penetrate the super glue and begin to loosen its bond.
6. Use a pair of tweezers to remove the super glue.
- Once the super glue has softened, use a pair of tweezers to gently pry it off the dentures.
7. Rinse the dentures again.
- Rinse the dentures thoroughly with warm water to remove any residual acetone.
8. Dry them completely with a clean cloth or paper towel.
Method 2: Heat
1. Gather the necessary materials:
- A pot of boiling water
- Tongs
- A bowl filled with cold water
2. Prepare the dentures.
- Rinse the dentures thoroughly with warm water to remove any loose dirt or debris.
- Dry them completely with a clean cloth or paper towel.
3. Submerge the dentures in boiling water.
- Use tongs to carefully place the dentures in the pot of boiling water.
- Be sure that the dentures are completely submerged.
4. Boil the dentures for a few minutes.
- Allow the dentures to boil for approximately 5-10 minutes, or until the super glue begins to soften.
5. Remove the dentures from the boiling water.
- Use tongs to carefully remove the dentures from the boiling water.
- Be careful not to burn yourself.
6. Submerge the dentures in cold water.
- Place the dentures in a bowl filled with cold water.
- Allow them to cool for a few minutes.
7. Use a pair of tweezers to remove the super glue.
- Once the super glue has cooled and hardened again, use a pair of tweezers to gently pry it off the dentures.
8. Rinse the dentures again.
- Rinse the dentures thoroughly with warm water to remove any residual glue.
9. Dry them completely with a clean cloth or paper towel.
Method 3: Professional Cleaning
If the above methods do not work or you are uncomfortable attempting them, take the dentures to a dental professional for cleaning. They will have the necessary tools and expertise to safely remove the super glue without damaging the dentures.
* Be careful not to use too much acetone or heat, as this could damage the dentures.
* If the super glue has hardened completely, you may need to repeat one of the above methods several times before it is completely removed.
* If the glue has stained the dentures, a soft abrasive cleaner, such as baking soda or toothpaste, can be used to remove the stain.
* Make sure to rinse the dentures thoroughly with water after using acetone to remove any residual chemicals.