How Does Coffee Affect Your Teeth?
Drinking coffee can stain and discolor teeth, because every time you drink a cup of coffee a layer forms around the tooth that absorbs into the enamel. The dark color in coffee can stain teeth, and no matter how much cream you put in, the chemicals that stain teeth are still present. This isn't a serious medical condition, and over-the-counter whitening treatments are available that can help remedy this condition.
Coffee may help to prevent cavities, because it contains antibacterial properties that can neutralize the effects of the microorganisms that cause cavities, including Streptococcus mutants. The anti-adhesive properties in coffee make teeth less susceptible to cavity-causing agents. This can help those who drink a high amount of carbonated beverages, including sports and energy drinks. According to Science Daily, two Italian universities conducted a study that determined that instant coffee had the highest levels of inhibitor activity.
Including sugar in a cup of coffee may cause tooth decay over time, especially if you drink at least three cups of coffee a day. The sugar combined with the acid in coffee may cause a tooth to lose the hard tissue from the enamel. When the acidic liquid washes over the tooth constantly, it causes the tooth to decay.
The caffeine and acid in coffee contain certain elements that can cause a tooth to become sensitive or make an existing one even more sensitive. In order to prevent the acid in coffee from increasing sensitivity, coffee drinkers may need to reduce the amount of cups per day or dilute the coffee with water. Tooth sensitivity can cause discomfort in the mouth, especially when consuming hot or cold drinks.