How to Decorate a Popeye Cake
Things You'll Need
- 9 by 16 rectangle cake layer
- 2 cups frosting
- Waxed paper
- Rolling pin
- Sharp knife
- 1 cup gray fondant
- Clean coffee can
- 1 cup green fondant
- 1 cup black fondant
- Assorted molds
Place the cake on an appropriately sized platter for serving.
Coat the entire cake, including the sides, with frosting in any flavor. Select a frosting color that is either white, beige or something similar. This frosting will serve as the "canvas" for your Popeye decorations.
Roll out approximately 3/4 to 1 full pound of gray or silver-toned fondant. Marshmallow fondant found in stores is pliable and sweet, but you can also make your own as an optional step prior to decorating your cake. Roll the fondant out until it is approximately 1/4-inch thick.
Layer a perfect square sheet of waxed paper over the center of the rolled fondant. Center the 8 by 12 sheet of paper over the fondant and use the sharp knife to cut the excess fondant from around the edges of the sheet of paper. Discard the trimmed fondant or set aside for later use.
Place a clean 12 ounce coffee can over the center of the waxed-paper-covered fondant sheet. Place it down, horizontally, across the bottom edge of the fondant and waxed paper. Roll upward, wrapping the fondant around the can to take on its shape. Slide the can and waxed paper out of the can-shaped fondant roll. Set the roll aside.
Roll out about a pound of green fondant in the same manner as in Step 3. Use a sharp knife to cut the rolled fondant into several thin strips of "spinach." Cut enough to stuff into the fondant can and some for extra embellishment. These strips do not need to be perfectly even or straight, because spinach isn't!
Fill the fondant can shape with the green spinach fondant, allowing it to spill out of it slightly. Attach the spinach can on its side to the top surface of the cake. You can place it at an angle, or make it straight. It's up to you. Lay the rest of the spinach around the can, as if it is spilling out of it onto the cake.
Stuff 1/4 pound of black fondant into an anchor shaped mold measuring 5 by 5 inches. Stuff it into the mold firmly so as to expel any air pockets from beneath the fondant. Turn the mold over and twist it gently to release the black, anchor-shaped fondant decoration. Place the anchor onto the surface of the frosted cake next to the can of spilled spinach.