Does Coffee or Tea Stain Teeth More?
Many common foods and beverages contain an antioxidant called tannic acid. Also known as tannin, this chemical is a naturally occurring vegetable dye that reacts strongly with the proteins in our teeth, producing a yellowish tone with extended use.
Some plants have more tannins than others. In the case of coffee and tea, generally the darker the beverage, the more tannin it contains, and the more it will discolor your teeth over prolonged use. For instance, black tea stains more than green tea, and dark black coffee stains more than light blend diluted with coffee creamer.
Dentist Opinion
The general consensus among dentists is that tea consumption makes the stain harder to remove. Which drink stains teeth darker is more of an effect of how often it is consumed. One solution to reduce how much your teeth get stained without abstaining from drinking coffee and tea is to brush your teeth immediately after drinking a cup.