Are Blue Light Teeth Whiteners Safe?

Laser teeth whiteners use a blue laser to activate a gel that penetrates deep within the enamel and gets teeth their whitest. Although a relatively new treatment, blue light teeth whitening systems do not cause damage to the teeth.
  1. The Facts

    • No evidence suggests that blue light laser teeth whitening causes any damage to teeth using the standard 10 percent bleach gel, according to Orlando Laser Teeth Whitening.


    • The biggest danger that comes from laser whitening, or any teeth bleaching system, is the potential of bleach to scorch the mouth. Dentists prevent bleach from burning the mouth through the use of a dental dam.


    • All types of teeth whitening systems may make the teeth sensitive after the treatment. Dentists do not use anesthesia to reduce sensitivity because sensitivity warns the doctor when the concentration is too strong and affecting the nerves.

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