Organic Way to Remove Stains From Teeth
Ripe strawberries can be delicious to eat. But, they also contain a substance called malic acid. Malic acid can be found in other fruits known for their sweet yet tart flavor, such as grapes and green apples. Mixing strawberry with baking soda is an effective and organic way of cleaning your teeth, instead of using the traditional toothpaste The astringent properties of the malic acid in the strawberries combined with the effects of the baking soda kills the bacteria that are responsible for plaque buildup and reduces acids that corrode the enamel on your teeth. This mixture can buff away any stains from drinking coffee, wine or dark carbonated drinks and should be applied with a soft toothbrush. However, this is not a substitute for your regular bleaching session at your dentist’s office. According to Dr. Adina Carrel, a dentist with a private practice in New York, using the strawberry and baking soda is a simple and effective way to clean your teeth. But using the mixture too often could damage the enamel as well.
Take one strawberry and crush it until it form a pulp. Then, mix in 1/2 tsp. of baking soda. Using a toothbrush, apply the mixture to your teeth and wait for five minutes. Using regular toothpaste brush your teeth to remove the mixture. Make sure to floss to remove the seeds from the strawberry. Dr. Carrel recommends you use this recipe once a week.
Other Organic Recipes
Lemons contain a bleaching substance that can brighten your teeth. Squeeze a few drops of lemon juice and combine it with a teaspoon of salt until it forms a thick substance. For a deeper effect you can substitute a teaspoon of baking soda to the mixture, instead of salt. Brush your teeth with the mixture and rinse your mouth thoroughly.
Another way to naturally remove stains is to use the combination of orange peel and sage. Using a food processor, mix an orange peel with several sage leaves. Brush your teeth with the pulp and rinse. You can also rub the inside of an orange peel over the enamel of your teeth.
Eating fibrous fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, apples and broccoli regularly can buffer and brighten your smile.
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