How to Clean and Whiten Your Dentures Fast
Scrub dentures with a toothbrush, water and baking soda. He first removes his dentures and uses a soft toothbrush to clean debris from the dentures. He runs the toothbrush under water before dipping it into a container of baking soda.
He then uses this mixtures to scrub his dentures. The soft brush head protects the dentures. Baking soda removes debris and stains from the dentures. Baking soda is a gentle cleanser that does not scratch or damage dentures.
He then rinses the baking soda off the dentures thoroughly before proceeding to step two.
Soak dentures in 3% hydrogen peroxide and water mixture. My father then fills a glass bowl with a mixture of half water and half household 3% hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is safe to use in your mouth and home in small amounts for a short period of time.
He places the dentures in the bowl, making sure that the dentures are completely covered by the mixture.
He allows the dentures to soak in the hydrogen peroxide mixture overnight or at least for one half hour.
When the dentures are finished soaking, he removes them from the mixture and pours it down the drain. He then rinses the dentures thoroughly under running water.
Knowing how to clean and whiten your dentures fast will help you to have a smile just as white as my dad's.
Soak dentures in a water and bleach mixture if stains persist. My father would then make up a mixture of 1/3 cup bleach and 2/3 cups water in a glass bowl if his dentures had tough stains on them.
He would place his dentures into the bleach and water mixture and allow it to soak overnight or for at least 1/2 hour. The bleach would almost guarantee that all the stains on his dentures would be removed.
He would then remove the dentures from the mixture and rinse them under running water for at least three minutes.
He would then put his dentures back into his mouth and enjoy a bright white smile.
Knowing how to clean and whiten your dentures fast will help you save money on costly denture cleaners and whiteners.