How to Whiten Dentures Overnight
Remove your dentures.
Brush them thoroughly with a wet toothbrush dipped in baking soda.
The baking soda will help you remove debris and give your dentures a good cleaning. There may still be stains on your dentures, if so, proceed to the next step.
Mix one half cup 3% hydrogen peroxide with one half cup water in a glass bowl.
Drop your dentures (still coated with baking soda) into the mixture and make sure they are completely covered by the mixture. Let them soak for at least one half hour or overnight if you can.
Remove them from from the mixture and rinse thoroughly.
If there are still stains, proceed to the next step.
Soak your dentures in a water and bleach mixture if they are still stained. Mix one third cup bleach with two thirds cup water in a glass bowl.
Place your dentures into the bowl, making sure that they are covered by the solution.
Let your dentures soak for at least thirty minutes or overnight if possible to remove all stains from your dentures.
Bleach can not be consumed or placed in the mouth, it is very dangerous. Always rinse your dentures thoroughly before placing them back in to your mouth. Never put bleach in your mouth.
Knowing how to whiten dentures overnight will give you back your bright smile.
Rinse your dentures for at least three minutes under running water before inserting them back into your mouth.
You can easily clean and whiten your dentures at home without using costly over the counter drugstore products.
Avoid staining your dentures by avoiding foods that stain. The most common foods that stain teeth and dentures are dark colored berries such as blueberries, blackberries and cranberries, mustard, curry, turmeric, coffee, tea, and smoking. Eliminate foods that stain out of your diet, or brush your dentures more often. Brushing with water and baking soda after eating foods that stain will keep your dentures white.