How to Create Bleaching-Teeth Posters
Things You'll Need
- Photographs or drawings
- Before-and-after pictures
- Photo-editing software
Think about the type of people you are trying to appeal to. Do you want to attract a clientele of young people? Are you looking for older, retired adults? Are you trying to gain clients in stay-at-home moms? Give some thought to this before sketching out your poster campaign.
Decide what kind of people you want to feature on your posters. Bigger, more high-profile offices in large cities may prefer to use professional models with picture-perfect white teeth. Smaller offices in small towns can use actual patients who have had the procedure. Using high-profile town celebrities like the mayor or principal of the high school can help increase your trustworthiness. You can also use before-and-after shots of actual patients.
Go through a modeling agency if you'd like to set up a bigger budget shoot. For smaller shoots, such as using your actual patients, schedule a local photographer to take their picture. Think of poses that highlight their teeth, such as people engaging in activities such as eating lunch, shopping or talking with friends. Any activity that makes it appear that using your services increases confidence due to their new white teeth is good. Make sure the patients or models show their teeth in each pose, so potential clients can see how white their teeth are.
Using photo-editing software, decide on a way to place the picture or pictures for optimum visibility. Use lots of color to catch people's eyes, but don't go overboard, as too many colors can cause the poster to look too busy.
Decide on a slogan or use a quote from one of your patients. Place it somewhere near the picture. Don't use a quote that is paragraphs long, instead use a phrase or something short---preferably a sentence or two.
Include your name, address, credentials, website (if applicable) and contact information on your poster. Place this somewhere visible, but not right in the middle of the poster. Putting these facts on the bottom or top is preferable.
Play around with the positioning of the pictures and wording until you feel you have reached a balance. Make sure all of the words are legible, but kept to a minimum.
Print your posters. To save money, you can do this yourself using regular printer paper. For a more professional look, go to your local copy store and have the clerk print the posters on glossy paper. Choose the size you think is best.
Frame the poster and put it somewhere in your office. Place posters in places with a lot of traffic; such as the office of colleagues who may refer clients to you for teeth whitening, dental schools, orthodontists' offices, plastic surgeons' offices, hospitals, local churches or temples, universities and on local community boards. Always ask for permission before placing your poster somewhere, especially in someone's office.