Homemade Teeth-Whitening Cream
Baking-Soda Creams
Baking soda is a white powder that is used in many recipes. It is successful when used to whiten teeth because of its abrasive qualities. To whiten teeth with it, combine ½ a teaspoon of both baking soda and vinegar and a pinch of salt. Mix until a cream is formed. Apply to teeth with your finger or a toothbrush and rinse off when dry. Another mixture that can be applied to your teeth to whiten them is made by mixing ½ a teaspoon of baking soda and a drop or two of hydrogen peroxide. There is no need to rinse this cream off your teeth. For best results, use once or twice a week.
Herb Creams
Herbs can be used to whiten the teeth by removing stains and plaque buildup. To make a neem or sage-leaf cream, combine neem leaves or sage leaves with a plain toothpaste. Brush your teeth with this mixture several times a day to whiten teeth. Dried basil leaf teeth-whitening cream is made by crushing approximately one tablespoon of basil leaves until they are in powder form. Combine the powder with several drops of water to form a cream-like consistency, and brush your teeth with this mixture. Use it evey day to help whiten teeth.
Fruit Creams
Due to the acidic properties in some fruits, they are very successful at whitening teeth. To make strawberry teeth-whitening cream, you will need one strawberry and ½ a teaspoon of baking soda. First crush the strawberry and mix with the baking soda so it forms a cream-like consistency. Place the mixture on a toothbrush and brush your teeth with it and do not rinse. After five minutes, brush teeth with regular toothpaste and rinse. Repeat once a week for best results. Lemon juice can be used to whiten teeth by combining equal parts of lemon juice and baking powder. After applying this mixture to the teeth, leave on for a minute, brush with toothpaste and rinse. To avoid damage to the teeth, do not use this mixture more than once a week.