What is white tongue growth?
* Oral candidiasis: This is a fungal infection of the mouth caused by the Candida albicans fungus. It can cause a white or yellowish coating on the tongue.
* Lichen planus: This is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that can affect the mouth. It can cause white patches on the tongue.
* Leukoplakia: This is a condition that causes white patches on the tongue that cannot be scraped off. It is sometimes associated with tobacco use.
* Geographic tongue: This is a benign condition that causes the tongue to have red, smooth patches surrounded by a white border.
* Dehydration: Not drinking enough fluids can cause the tongue to become dry and white.
* Poor oral hygiene: Not brushing and flossing your teeth regularly can allow bacteria and plaque to build up on the tongue, causing it to appear white.
* Smoking: Smoking can irritate the tongue and cause it to appear white.
* Certain medications: Some medications, such as antibiotics, antifungal medications, and chemotherapy drugs, can cause the tongue to appear white.
In most cases, white tongue growth is a harmless condition that does not require treatment. However, if you are concerned about the appearance of your tongue, you should see your doctor or dentist to rule out any underlying medical conditions.