Perfecta 11 Dental Whitening Gel Instructions
Things You'll Need
- Bleaching trays
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Dental floss
Clean your teeth by brushing and flossing thoroughly before you begin the bleaching process. Brush out the inside portion of the bleaching trays. Rinse them gently with lukewarm water, to insure that there is no residue left from prior uses. Shake out the excess water.
Locate the shape of each individual tooth in the bleaching tray. In the front-facing side of the tooth indention, you will place a droplet of the bleaching solution that measures approximately the size of half a pea. Repeat this step until every tooth indention has a droplet applied.
Using both thumbs, gently push to secure the tray in place. Smooth over the front portion of the tray with your fingers. This will evenly disperse the bleaching gel over the front surfaces of the teeth.
Wear the tray for one hour the first day. Move up to one hour twice a day for the first week. If you have a history of thermal sensitivity, Premier Dental recommends you use the 11 percent gel for at least one week, before moving onto a stronger gel.
Remove the trays, once the appropriate treatment time has been reached. Brush and floss your teeth to remove any remaining gel residue. Clean the interior of the bleaching trays by gently brushing them with lukewarm water. Do not use hot water, as this may cause them to distort.
Avoid eating or drinking foods that stain, or be considered acidic --such as oranges, berries, juice, tomatoes, coffee, tea or soda during the bleaching process. Small pores in the teeth called tubules have been opened and are susceptible to stain and hypersensitivity while actively bleaching.