How to Eat After BriteSmile
Avoid drinking any dark beverages after the procedure. Dark beverages, such as soda, coffee, wine and dark juices can stain whitened teeth quickly. The sensitivity of the tooth after lightening also makes it more susceptible to staining for the first few days, so especially avoid these dark beverages during that time.
Stop the consumption of dark-colored foods for two or three weeks after treatment, when teeth are most susceptible to staining. Chocolate, dark soups, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, steak sauce, berries and other dark vegetables can also cause stains on newly whitened teeth. Avoid these foods when possible, to maintain the white smile.
Drink from a straw whenever possible. Straws bring liquids to the back of your mouth, so they do not stain teeth.
Use a mouth rinse after every meal to eliminate plaque and other bacteria that stain teeth.
Stay away from excessively cold foods and beverages. Whitening teeth makes them extremely sensitive and cold foods can exaggerate the sensitivity, causing pain.