What to Do With the Film Residue After Using Crest Multicare Strips?
Proper Placement
The first step in decreasing the amount of excess residue from using Crest Whitening Strips bleaching material is to place the strips on correctly. Do not brush your teeth right before you begin your bleaching application. Follow the directions on the box. Once you have placed the strips onto your teeth, use a piece of tissue paper to wipe away any excess gel material from your gum tissue. This will help to reduce irritation of your gums.
Avoid Over Saturation
Making sure that the whitening strips have been removed within the proper time frame is very important. Leaving the strips on for too long can cause the microscopic pores or tubules of the teeth to become over sensitive. This may result in over saturation of the bleaching product. Prolonged use of the product can also result in dry mouth. Crestwhiteningstrips.com recommends that each strip be worn for 30 minutes twice a day.
Removing Excess Bleaching Material
To remove the sticky film that can be left behind, it is important to thoroughly brush and floss your teeth. Place a pea size amount of toothpaste onto a soft-bristled toothbrush. Move your toothbrush in small circular motions around your entire mouth. Pay close attention to the areas where the strips were in direct contact with your teeth. Time yourself for two minutes. Rinse your mouth and toothbrush with lukewarm water.
Cleaning Hard-to-Reach Areas
The bleaching material can embed itself interproximally between two adjacent teeth. To clean these hard to reach spaces, you will need to use dental floss. Break off a piece that measures 6 to 8 inches. Wrap the floss around your middle fingers. Using your pointer fingers and thumbs, guide the floss in between your teeth. Wrap the floss around each tooth in a "C" shape. Move the floss up and down. Rinse out your mouth with lukewarm water.
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