How to Whiten Your Teeth Without Chemicals
You can get whiter teeth by using whitening strips, whitening trays or professional whitening methods administered in a dentist's office. These types of whitening treatments are effective, but they are often expensive. Also, they use harsh chemicals, which can be hard on your mouth and gums. If you are looking for a gentler, less expensive and more natural way to whiten your teeth, consider using one of the following home remedies.Instructions
Whitening Teeth With Strawberries
Buy several strawberries from your local market. Strawberries contain an acid that helps whiten teeth naturally.
Choose a medium-size strawberry, one big enough to cover the teeth but small enough to fit comfortably in the mouth.
Cut the green leafy top from the strawberry, and then cut the strawberry in half.
Take a strawberry half and rub it all over the surface of the teeth.
Smash the other half of the strawberry with the back of a spoon or a fork until it is well mashed.
Place the smashed strawberry on a toothbrush, and brush your teeth just as if you were using toothpaste.
Use the rest of the strawberries for snacks. Strawberry seeds help scrape built up plaque from the teeth.
Whitening Teeth With Food
Brush your teeth after every meal and immediately after drinking beverages that stain the teeth such as red wine, coffee or tea. Brushing prevents stains from settling into the tooth enamel.
Limit your consumption of tooth-staining beverages, or drink them through a straw to prevent them from coming in contact with the teeth that show when you smile.
Eat crunchy foods with water in them. This helps scrape off plaque that builds up on teeth. Such foods include apples, carrots and celery.
Drink lots of water to help wash away the debris that builds up in the mouth. People who don't drink a lot of water tend to have more bacteria in their mouths, which can cause tooth discoloration.
Whitening Teeth With Baking Soda
Baking soda not only helps remove plaque from the teeth but also helps lift stains. Pour a half-teaspoon of baking soda onto a paper towel or a plate next to the sink.
Put the usual amount of toothpaste onto your toothbrush.
Roll your toothbrush, toothpaste side down, lightly into the baking soda.
Brush and rinse as normal.