Remedies for a Tooth Ache While Away From Home
The easiest remedy for a toothache away from home is ice. Get a few ice cubes and wrap them in a napkin, towel or plastic bag and hold it up to the side of your face where you have the toothache. This helps to numb the nerves and should relieve pain.
You can use cloves to relieve a toothache. Chew on a clove with the painful tooth for at least a half hour. You can do this a few times a day. You also can use clove oil, but get oil that is appropriate for your teeth from a pharmacist.
Salt Water
You can use warm salt water to rinse your mouth, especially around the painful tooth. Doing this helps to relieve swelling by killing germs. You can rinse with warm salt water as often as you like.
You can chew on a piece of ginger with the affected tooth. You should leave the ginger there for a half hour and this can be repeated a few times per day.
Other Remedies
You can also put a few drops of vanilla extract or oil of oregano on your painful tooth.
You can put a whiskey-soaked cotton ball on your tooth until all the whiskey is gone from the cotton ball.
Crush up an aspirin or use aspirin powder to put on your painful tooth.
And don't overlook the obvious relief for any pain: ibuprofen, acetaminophen or aspirin. Be sure to take your pain reliever of choice according to the package directions.
All of these remedies should be fairly easy to accomplish while you're away from home and can't see a dentist. If your tooth continues to hurt after a few days, it's very important to go see a dentist as the pain could be an indicator of a serious problem. It's likely that there is a local dentist that can fit you in if you're still away from home at this time. And remember, the longer you put off going to the dentist the worse the problem could get and the more drastic the treatment could become - so don't put off going to the dentist.