Home Remedies for Tooth Pain Relief
Most often, tooth decay and the resulting toothache is a result of inadequate dental hygiene. It may also run in families and can be exacerbated by conditions that cause dry mouth.
Beneficial Herbs
Clove oil alleviates toothache pain. Apply 2 to 3 drops to tooth using a cotton swab.
Kava is helpful for radiating pain. It is beneficial for nighttime pain. Take 20-60 mg daily of Kavapyrone tablets.
Thyme oil is a natural antiseptic and eliminates bacteria in the mouth. Follow directions on label.
Willowbark provides similar pain relief as aspirin without the stomach upset and risk of bleeding. Take 20-40 mg in capsule form 3 times daily.
Wintergreen in the form of a mouthwash. Contains aspirin like pain reliever methyl salicylate.
Food and Drink
Eat generous amounts of raw fruits and vegetables. They contain minerals that keep saliva from becoming overly acidic. Avoid sodas and other carbonated drinks as they wear down calcium in tooth enamel. Avoid sticky sweets that stick to the surface of the tooth.
Warm salt water can alleviate pain of a toothache or abscess. Rinse with a solution of 1 cup warm water and ½ teaspoon of salt.
Floss at least once a day. It is the best way to remove plague.
Do not use chewable vitamin C tablets because they can break down tooth enamel.
Get dental cleanings at least 2 times a year.
Brush after every meal.
Contact your dentist if you experience dental pain after routine procedures.
If a root canal is needed, be sure to inform your dentist if you have ever experienced a herpes infection. If the trigeminal nerve in the cheek is disturbed it can reactivate an infection.
Contact a doctor if you experience pain when opening the mouth wide, have a fever, earache, loss of hearing or if the pain is radiating and/ or lasts for more than two days. Toothaches may also be caused by ear infections, an injured mouth or jaw, heart attack or sinusitis.