Toothache Treatment
Garlic Clove
Placing a garlic glove over the aching tooth helps to provide almost instant relief. The garlic reacts with the body as a soothing mechanism to alleviate pain.
Spinach Leaves
A toothache can be relieved by chewing fresh spinach leaves. It also helps to prevent tooth decay and protects the gums from infection.
Wheat Grass Juice
Drinking and holding wheat grass juice in the mouth helps to ease toothache pain. Wheat grass is an amazing herbal remedy that also promotes overall oral and body health.
Ice Pack
Applying an ice pack on the outside of the mouth where the aching tooth is helps to dull the pain. The numbing of the gums around the tooth help to ease and alleviate the throbbing.
Clove Oil
Applying clove oil on the affected tooth provides immediate relief from aches and pains. It is also great and helping to fight tooth and gum infections.
Vanilla Extract
Vanilla extract drops will help dull and ease toothache pain. The healing and calming effects of vanilla are a great way to reduce a variety of mouth ills.
Guava Leaves
Chewing on guava leaves helps to quickly alleviate toothache pains. This is one of the more popular alternative ways to heal oral woes as opposed to harsher, over-the-counter medications.