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How to Make a Poultice for a Toothache
Things You'll Need
- Oil of cloves
- Oatmeal
- Comfrey tea bags
Cook a serving of oatmeal in a saucepan on a stove. Try to avoid microwaveable or quick oats. Let saucepan stand until oats are cool.
Place a comfrey tea bag in a teacup or measuring cup. Let the teabag steep no longer than 5 to 7 minutes.
Place the cooked oatmeal onto the surface of the teabag. Using a dropper, drop oil of cloves over this poultice.
Place the poultice in your mouth, directly onto the aching surface. The comfrey will ease the swelling, the oatmeal will help reduce inflammation and the oil of cloves will take away some of the pain.
As the pain returns, add more oil of cloves to the poultice.