Wisdom Teeth Pain Symptoms
Open Wide
Wisdom teeth may need to be removed if you cannot open your mouth as wide as a dentist would have you open up to check for cavities. If your mouth feels like it has lockjaw or you can't yawn without tearing up, you might need your wisdom teeth removed. Check with a dentist.
Cheek Tingles
Wisdom teeth may need to be removed if your cheek starts to tingle or feel like it's pulsating when your hand is leaning on it or you're laying on a pillow. You're not supposed to feel your mouth at all just because you're leaning on a jaw or hand.
Can't Eat
Chewing food can become a thought-provoking chore when a person needs her wisdom teeth pulled. Even eating spaghetti can bring tears to one's eyes from the constant movement involved in eating.
Make a Face
Make an ugly face with your mouth (example: twist your lips). If you can feel this in the back of your mouth or can't make the ugly face at all, chances are that a wisdom tooth should be pulled.
Touch It
Take your index finger and touch the back gum of your mouth where the tooth hurts. If you can feel something hard where a tooth didn't used to be, the wisdom tooth may be trying to grow down. However, sometimes a wisdom tooth grows in sideways so you can't feel it, and the gum must be cut to pull it out.
Head Hurts
Headaches may occur if the pain is too intense. Small movements from the face become a task.