How to Prevent Toothaches
Things You'll Need
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Floss
Brush your teeth regularly. You should brush after every meal to remove the pieces of food that get caught between your teeth and eventually rot. Rotting can invite bacteria, which will cause tooth decay and make your tooth ache.
Use a fluoride-based toothpaste. Fluoride helps to strengthen your tooth enamel, which in turn will prevent rot and cause your tooth to ache. Many cities inject their drinking water with fluoride. So try not to avoid tap water completely in favor of bottled water. At least brush your teeth from the tap.
Floss at least once a day. Flossing not only gets down deep and removes stuck food particles, it strengthens your gums and prevents the gum disease gingivitis. This will make your tooth ache. If your gums bleed very easily, consider flossing to strengthen them.
Visit your dentist no less than twice a year. If your tooth is already in severe pain, you should go immediately. If not, go when you have the time but don’t put it off all year. The dentist will give you all the things mentioned above. Plus he or she will have a wide variety of neat tools and techniques that will leave your mouth feeling better than ever.
Eat foods low in sugar. Of course the sentiment that comes to mind here is that candy rots your teeth. But think about this: how ironic is it that our “sweet tooth” is ultimately the cause of a sore tooth? Along with candies, make sure to avoid too many soft drinks.