How to Treat Your Tooth Abscess With Bactrim
Things You'll Need
- Bactrim
Get Your Prescription
If you have an abscessed tooth, only a dentist or physician can prescribe Bactrim. See your health care provider in order to get your prescription. If you do not have a primary health care physician or dentist, contact your local hospital's nurse line or emergency room, health department or clinic for a referral. You can also look in the Yellow Pages for a list of physicians and dentists.
Once you get the Bactrim prescription, have it filled at the pharmacy. Bactrims generic names are trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole.
Ask your pharmacist if there are any contraindications regarding other medicines you may be taking. The pharmacist will also answer any other questions you might have about Bactrim.
Possible side effects of taking Bactrim are nausea, vomiting and skin rashes. These are the most common side effects and are usually very mild.
Uncommon but dangerous side effects of Bactrim are difficulty breathing, swelling, jaundice or fever. If you experience any of these symptoms, contact your health care provider immediately.
Taking Bactrim
You prescription will indicate how many times per day you should take Bactrim. Follow this course exactly as your doctor advised.
Bactrim can be taken with or without meals.
Always drink at least 6-8 ounces of liquid when taking your Bactrim dose.
Keep your mouth clean. Rinse with water frequently.
Take the Bactrim for the entire intended duration prescribed by your physician or dentist, even if you feel better before the medicine runs out.