How to Relieve a Toothache
Take an over the counter pain reliever. If you have a toothache, the first method to find relief should involve taking ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Take a dose every four to six hours as recommended by the package.
Watch what you eat. Any hot or cold foods will probably cause your toothache pain to worsen. Find relief from the pain by avoiding these foods.
Use an herbal remedy. Many toothache sufferers have found clove oil effective in relieving a toothache.
Numb the area. If the toothache's centralized to one area of the mouth, place a small amount of Orajel on the spot. You can find Orajel at any local pharmacy.
Make an appointment with your dentist. If you have a toothache, then you likely need to undergo a dental procedure. To relieve the toothache pain, you may need a filling, root canal or tooth extraction. The dentist will find the cause of the toothache and treat the underlying problem.