How to Deal With Chipped Tooth Pain
Use warm water to wash out your mouth immediately. Also, soak any fragment bits of the tooth in warm water to cleanse them.
Save any pieces of a chipped tooth for possible later reattachment in a plastic zipper bag.
Press a wash towel or gauze to the tooth in case of an exposed nerve until you are able to visit a dentist.
Prevent blood loss by holding gauze to the tooth for at least 10 minutes. You can also rinse your mouth out with saltwater to help stop the bleeding.
Place an ice pack to your gums if they are swollen.
Take an aspirin for pain such as general mouth pain or headache resulting from the impact
Make an appointment with a dentist, regardless of how large the piece of tooth is that is chipped. It may be simpler to just have the dentist round the tooth or give you a filling. However, abscesses can form even after the pain has gone away. These can spread to the root of the tooth and cause all sorts of painful but avoidable decay in the mouth.