When can you eat real food not soft stuff after getting your wisdom teeth out?
1. Immediately After Surgery: Right after the surgery, you will be advised to stick to soft, cold foods such as ice cream, pudding, yogurt, and applesauce. This helps minimize discomfort and swelling.
2. 2-3 Days After Surgery: As the swelling and discomfort start to subside, you can gradually introduce soft, solid foods. Some examples include mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, oatmeal, ground beef, and fish.
3. 7-10 Days After Surgery: If your healing process is progressing well and you are no longer experiencing significant pain, you can begin incorporating more solid foods into your diet. This could include cooked vegetables, fruits, and meats, but it's important to chew carefully.
4. 2 Weeks or More: After approximately two weeks, most people are able to return to their regular, unrestricted diet. However, it is still important to listen to your body and not force yourself to eat anything you are not comfortable with.
Remember that everyone heals at a different pace, and some individuals may take longer to transition to a regular diet than others. Follow the guidance provided by your dentist and adjust the consistency of your foods based on your comfort level. If you have any concerns or if you experience persistent pain or discomfort, it is essential to consult with your dental professional for further instructions.