Why does the left side of your head hurt when you swallow?
1. Muscle spasm: Swallowing involves the coordinated movement of several muscles in the neck and throat. Sometimes, a muscle spasm or strain in these muscles can occur, leading to pain on one side of the head, including the left side.
2. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder: TMJ disorders refer to problems affecting the jaw joint and its surrounding structures. TMJ disorders can cause pain that may be felt in the jaw, face, or even the left side of the head. Difficulty chewing or a clicking sound in the jaw are often associated with TMJ disorders.
3. Cervical spine issues: Problems with the vertebrae or soft tissues in the neck, such as cervical spondylosis, pinched nerves, or herniated discs, can cause referred pain to the left side of the head, especially when swallowing.
4. Ear problems: Infections or other issues affecting the ear, such as otitis media or eustachian tube dysfunction, can sometimes lead to pain that may be perceived as coming from the left side of the head. Swallowing may amplify the pain in such cases.
5. Sinusitis: Inflammation or infection of the sinus cavities, particularly the left maxillary sinus, can cause pressure and pain in the face, cheeks, and around the left eye. This pain can sometimes be felt on the left side of the head and worsen when swallowing.
6. Trigeminal neuralgia: Trigeminal neuralgia is a chronic pain condition that affects the trigeminal nerve, which supplies sensation to the face, including the left side. It is characterized by severe, stabbing, and electric shock-like pain that can be triggered by certain actions like swallowing.
7. Cluster headaches: Cluster headaches are severe headaches that occur in clusters, often around the eye or temple on one side of the head. They are known for their intense pain and can be triggered by various factors, including certain foods or activities, and can worsen when swallowing.
If the left-sided head pain persists or if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, ear discharge, severe headache, or difficulty breathing, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and diagnosis. They will be able to determine the exact cause of the pain and recommend the appropriate treatment.