Have sore bottom back jaw behind teeth in area where wisdom were removed 10 yrs ago and bone has grown up its place swollen cheeks lymph knots throughout the body?
- Impacted wisdom tooth: Despite being removed 10 years ago, it's possible that a portion of the wisdom tooth root or fragments were left behind, leading to complications such as infection or inflammation.
- Infection: An infection in the jaw or surrounding tissues, including osteomyelitis (bone infection), can cause pain, swelling, and lymph node enlargement.
- Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders: TMJ disorders involve the joint that connects the jawbone to the skull and can lead to pain in the jaw, face, and neck, along with clicking or locking of the jaw.
- Cancer: Rarely, pain in the jaw, swelling, and lymph node enlargement can be symptoms of oral or throat cancer.
Recommended Next Steps:
1. Medical Evaluation: It's crucial to seek a medical evaluation as soon as possible to determine the underlying cause of your symptoms. A healthcare professional, such as a dentist or doctor, will examine you, review your medical history, and likely recommend diagnostic tests, such as X-rays or scans.
2. Treat Underlying Causes: Depending on the diagnosis, treatment may involve:
- Antibiotics to combat infection
- Pain medication to manage discomfort
- Surgery to remove impacted wisdom tooth or treat the affected area
- Physical therapy or oral appliance for TMJ disorders
3. Monitor Symptoms: While waiting for your appointment or undergoing treatment, monitor your symptoms closely. Seek immediate medical attention if your condition worsens, such as developing difficulty breathing or swallowing, or if you have a high fever.