Easiest Ways to Stop Toothaches
Taking acetaminophen is a good way to relieve tooth ache pain. Take an over-the-counter painkiller as soon as you notice the tooth pain. This drug can take as long as 30 minutes to numb the pain, but it will reduce the inflammation around a painful tooth.
Orajel is an over-the-counter medication to treat toothaches. It comes in several forms: a liquid that you dab onto the affected area, and a swab filled with the medication that you snap to activate then rub onto and around the area. You can use Orajel every two hours until you are able to get in to your dentist; it will keep the area numbed.
Clove Oil
Clove oil has been used for centuries to treat different ailments. Take three drops of clove oil and mix it with a 1/4 tsp. of olive oil. Soak a cotton ball or soft cloth in the mixture to make an oil compress. Place the compress against the tooth that hurts. Leave the cloth there as long as possible to relieve the pain of the toothache. You can repeat this every four hours to relieve your tooth pain.
Try taking the over-the-counter pain medication along with the Orajel. The combination of the two medications will improve your chances of being pain free until you can get into your dentist. If the toothache is severe and lasts for more than a few hours, you will need to seek the help of a dental professional as soon as possible.