How to Get Rid of a Severe Toothache
Things You'll Need
- Salt
- Water
- Ice
- Paper towel
- Oil of cloves
- Floss
- Dental wax
Mix 1/4 tsp. salt into a cup of warm water as soon as the pain becomes noticeable. Gargle with the mixture, making sure to swish it around the area causing the pain. This will help reduce the swelling and should also give mild relief to the pain.
Place one or two ice cubes into a paper towel. Apply this ice pack to the outside of your cheeks directly on the spot where the pain is located. This usually helps numb the nerve endings through which the pain signals are being transmitted, but for some people it can have the opposite effect and actually make the pain worse. If after just a few minutes you notice that the pain is increasing, immediately remove the ice pack and forget about it. If the ice seems to make the pain subside, repeat as necessary.
Use oil of cloves to provide the best possible relief from the pain. Oil of cloves has been used throughout history as a folk remedy for toothaches, and most people will find nothing over the counter that works better. Oil of cloves can be found at any drugstore and is best applied either by rubbing it onto your finger or a cotton ball. Rub your fingertip or the cotton ball right onto the tooth. Don't let oil of cloves come into contact with your gums and don't swallow oil of cloves because it can cause a burning sensation. Also be aware that while oil of cloves provides high-quality relief, it may not have lasting power, requiring multiple applications.
Floss your teeth and brush them thoroughly to remove any food particles and clean out bacteria that can make the pain worse and lead to infection. Buy some dental wax at the drugstore and push it directly onto the area of the tooth causing problems. This will help ensure that the tooth does not get infected while you wait to get an appointment with the dentist.
Take a combination of acetaminophen and ibuprofen to deal with pain that isn't relieved by the salt water, ice or oil of cloves. An effective combination for many people is 400 mg ibuprofen taken with between 500 and 1,000 mg acetaminophen. Aspirin can also be taken in dosages between 650 and 1,000 mg.