What to Do For a Toothache
Immediate Relief
You may find immediate relief for a toothache by doing a few simple things. First, your toothache may be caused by a particle of food wedged between your teeth. Use dental floss to gently remove any food particles. Next, rinse your mouth with warm (not hot) salt water. Dissolve a couple teaspoons of salt in a glass of warm water and swish it around your mouth. This can help soothe and clean the mouth.
Take an over-the-counter pain medication, like aspirin or ibuprofen, to help relieve the pain. Ibuprofen can also reduce any swelling you may have. You can also use benzocaine, which is a topical, over-the-counter anesthetic. Apply this gel to the painful area, as well as the surrounding area. If you notice that you have a cavity causing your toothache, try to apply the benzocaine directly in the cavity. Benzocaine will numb the pain.
Clove Oil
Purchase a bottle of oil of cloves (also called Eugenol). Dab the oil on the area for pain relief. Clove oil can also help reduce the risk of infection, as it is an antiseptic. You may also try mixing clove oil with zinc oxide for cavities. Dab a few drops in the cavity to form a temporary filling. Just remember that this is temporary--you will still need to go to your dentist.
Other Tips
There are a couple other tricks you can try to relieve your toothache pain. Rub a piece of ice on the web of skin between your thumb and forefinger. Leave it there for about five minutes or until it is numb. This will disrupt the pain signal along the same nerves that register your toothache pain. Additionally, onions are known for their antibacterial properties. You can chew on a piece of raw onion for a few minutes to kill the germs in your mouth. For a toothache, place a piece of onion on the affected area for pain relief. You can also try this with a clove of fresh garlic.