Why does your throat hurt after pulling wisdom teeth?
- Trauma to the throat: During wisdom teeth extraction, the surgeon may need to use instruments that come close to the throat, causing some trauma. This can result in inflammation and soreness in the throat.
- Nerve irritation: The nerves that supply the throat and the wisdom teeth area are located close to each other. During surgery, these nerves can become irritated, leading to pain and discomfort in the throat.
- Post-operative swelling: Swelling is a common response to surgery, and it can occur in the throat after wisdom teeth extraction. Swelling can put pressure on the surrounding structures, including the throat, causing pain and difficulty swallowing.
- Dryness: The use of anesthetic agents during surgery can cause dryness in the mouth and throat. This dryness can irritate the throat, leading to a sore throat feeling.
- Medication side effects: Pain medications and antibiotics prescribed after surgery can sometimes have side effects that include throat irritation or dryness.
- Infection: In rare cases, an infection can develop in the wisdom teeth extraction site or the surrounding tissues. This infection can cause pain, swelling, and throat discomfort.
If your throat pain persists or is severe after wisdom teeth extraction, it is important to consult your surgeon for further evaluation and treatment.