Why does the nose have a soft and hard part?

The nose has a soft and hard part because of its composition and function.

The soft part of the nose, called the Rhinion, is made up of cartilage and skin, and it is where the nostrils are located. The cartilage gives the nose its shape and flexibility. The skin is thin and delicate, and it is covered in tiny blood vessels that give it its pink color. The skin also contains sebaceous glands, which produce oil to help keep the skin moist.

The hard part of the nose, called the nasal bone, is located at the bridge of the nose. It is made up of bone, and it helps to protect the brain from injury. The nasal bone is also where the septum is located, which is the cartilage that divides the nose into two nostrils.

The combination of the soft and hard parts of the nose gives it the strength and flexibility it needs to function properly. The soft part allows the nose to breathe, smell, and sneeze, while the hard part protects the brain from injury.

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