Severe Toothache Pain

Toothache pain is concentrated in a tooth or around the gums. Some toothache cases can be resolved at home but severe pain should be diagnosed by a dentist.
  1. Causes

    • The most common causes of toothaches are dental cavity, abscess, gum disease, cracked tooth, exposed tooth root, an impacted tooth, or erupted tooth.

    At Home Treatment

    • Before you go to see your dentist, try cleaning your teeth well at home by rinsing with warm water and flossing. Purchase an over-the-counter spot treatment for your tooth pain to try to relieve the pain.

    When to Call Your Dentist

    • Call your dentist if the pain lasts more than a few days and at home treatments are not effective, if you have a fever with the toothache, or you show signs of infection, such as red and swollen gums or pain when biting.

    Dentist Follow Up

    • Take the antibiotics prescribed by your dentist until they are all gone. Have a follow up visit with your dentist to make sure the cause of the toothache is resolved. Call your dentist if the pain does not subside.

    Toothache Prevention

    • Once tooth decay starts, it is difficult to stop. Prevent toothaches in the future by developing a regular tooth cleaning regime, visit a dentist for a cleaning 1 to 2 times per year, use a fluoride rinse once per day, and limit your intake of sugary foods.

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