Healthy High Protein Foods for Weight Loss

For many people, being on a high-protein diet means that you can eat as much sausage, bacon, steak and burgers as you like. But those people aren't considering the high fat content of those foods. There are plenty of high-protein foods, including vegetables, dairy, beans and whole grains, that are healthy alternatives.
  1. Tofu & Edamame

    • Tofu is scorned by many, but can be prepared in a variety of different ways, even used as a meat substitute. It is versatile enough to be made into pudding and ice cream. Edamame, a soybean pod, is high in protein and ia a good snacking option. Soy has been shown to aid weight loss, not by making a person eat less, but by working on the metabolism.

    Quinoa, Nuts & Nut Butters

    • Quinoa is a whole grain that is high in protein. A review of the whole grain diet states, "The 'miracle' in whole grains helping with weight control is based on the idea that many high-fiber foods are digested more slowly, and thus contribute to lower insulin levels, making you less hungry at the following meal."

      Nuts and nut butters are excellent sources of healthy protein. Nut butters along with whole grain bread can add up to 10 g of protein. According to the WebMD article "Go Nuts on Your Diet," "Dieters who eat nuts tend to stick to their diets because the fat and fiber content of nuts makes them very filling. As a result, they are not as hungry and ultimately eat less."

    Lean Meats & Seafoods

    • Lean meats such as turkey and chicken breasts have a minimum of 20 g of protein per 4-oz. serving. Look for sirloin, tenderloin and round cuts of red meat, since they have the least fat. Also eat bison. According to, it has 24 g of protein per serving. Seafood is also an exceptional source of protein.

    Lean Dairy Products

    • An 8-oz. cup of fat-free skim milk contains 8 g of protein, and cottage cheese has 14 g of protein for a half cup serving. Lean dairy products also provide much-needed calcium for the bones and teeth.

    Assorted Beans

    • Beans are a great source of protein and can be used in many ways. Beans are another fiber source that aid in digestion, fight dehydration and help the body expel wastes.

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