What Is the Atkins Diet Plan?
Dr Robert Atkins introduced the Atkins Nutritional Approach in 1972, with his book "Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution."
Because the Atkins diet reduces the amount of stored energy in the form of fat in the body, while supplying energizing protein-rich foods, users find that they're able to burn fat faster than with other diets.
Many people think that the Atkins diet means eating nothing but meats and cheeses, but fruits, vegetables and nuts and other whole food sources are also allowed.
After one year on the Atkins diet, users claim that they're not very hungry. While their weight loss may be the same as other nutritional approaches, their lack of hunger after a year of dieting may be significant.
Completely removing carbs from the diet can "starve the brain," a condition called ketosis. Follow the advice of your physician or dietitian before engaging in long-term weight loss programs.