How to Detox Your Body Fast at Home

Detox your body at home quickly and safely with the juice fast method. Detoxing increases your energy level. After you complete the detox, you will enjoy a sense of relaxation and rejuvenation in your body. Aches and pains will decrease or will be gone completely. Perform a body detox every three to six months to keep your body in the best shape.


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      Decrease the toxins you put into your body, to fully detox. Eliminate coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, refined sugars and fats from your diet. Do this a full week before you want to begin the juice fast.

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      Reduce and eliminate the use of products on your body. Limit the use of toothpaste, shampoo, body cleansers and deodorant. Do this a full week before you want to begin the juice fast.

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      Detox with juice for three to seven days. Any fruits and vegetables can be used. Blend the fruits and vegetables together in a blender and drink them for each of your three meals.

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      Make juices with oranges and broccoli if you have been feeling tired and achy--oranges contain vitamin C and broccoli is high in iron. Berries are great for their antioxidants.

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      Stop the juice fast if you feel more rejuvenated after three days. Do not continue the juice fast for more than seven days.

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      Keep your body in a cleaner state after the detox. Eat plenty of fiber; this helps cleanse your system daily. Protect your liver by taking herbal supplements. Dandelion root and green tea help clean your liver. Take a vitamin C tablet daily to protect your immune system. Drink at least 1 quart of water daily to not only clean out your system, but keep your skin fresh and glowing.

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