How to Pick Atkins Diet Entrees
Things You'll Need
- pocket nutritional guide
How to Pick Atkins Diet Entrees
Buy low carb entrees. When you are trying to choose Atkins diet entrees there are several things you want to keep in mind. The first one is entrees low in carbs because the Atkins diet is a low carb diet. Many times entrees will be served with sides that are high in carbs like potatoes or corn. You can almost always switch the sides for something lower in carbs. A good suggestion is to choose steamed vegetables and a side salad. The meat that you choose should not be breaded and you will want to avoid most sauces unless you know for sure they are low in carbs. A good entree would be a steak or grilled chicken with a side salad and steamed broccoli or green beans.
Seek out foods low in sugar. This is important because many times an entree willhave added sugar when you would least expect it. For example, in the maintenance phase of the Atkins diet you may eat sweet potatoes without added sugar. If you order a sweet potato at a restaurant or even eat one at a friend's house you are very likely to receive one with added sugar. This does not go along with your Atkins diet so always be sure to order your food without any added sugar.
Choose high protein entrees. Since the Atkins diet is high in protein the entrees you choose you should be mainly protein. If you are eating at a restaurant, then you will have a lot of options to create an all protein entree. If you are cooking at home then you will have control over what you can cook and can focus on high protein meals. Remember to always read labels to look for added sugar or carbs and ask the waiter if there is added sugar/carbs in any of the foods you plan on ordering. It really is not hard to order entrees on the Atkins diet, you just have to determine what foods are high in protein and low in carbs that satisfy your cravings and keep you on the diet!
Carry a pocket nutritional guide with you. In time, you will learn what foods are low in carbs and high in protein. For the short term, however, you will find the guide helps you make good food choices and stay true to the Atkins diet!
Eat Atkins approved meals. There are many frozen entrees in your grocer's freezer that are Atkins approved. These low carb entrees are great to buy and have in the freezer when you need a fast meal. Some restaurants even have a list of low carb entrees on their menu, so eat at these restaurants.