How to Begin the New Atkins Advantage 12 Week Program
Things You'll Need
- The New Atkins Advantage Book
- Carb Counter
- Food Journal
- Measuring Tape
- Scale
- Fiber Supplement
- Ketosis Strips (optional)
Read the book. The New Atkins Advantage eating plan has changed over the years. With a new, easier to follow list of stages, following the plan is as simple as reading through the steps.
Be prepared before you start. Having a food journal, measuring tape, scale, carb counter and ketosis strips on hand before beginning The New Atkins Advantage plan is important to your success.
Clean out the pantry. The day before beginning The New Atkins Advantage plan you will want to rid your home of any high carbohydrate foods that may be a drain on your success.
Measure and weigh. The first morning, you will want to measure your body and weigh yourself. Keep track of the measurements and weight in your food journal. When you stop losing weight for a period of days, remeasure and note how many inches you have lost.
Add fiber to your diet. Many people on The New Atkins Advantage plan suffer from constipation. Taking a fiber supplement daily and drinking plenty of water will curb this side effect.