How to survive the first 10 days of an Atkins diet
Things You'll Need
- a plan
- will power
tell your friends, roommates, spouce, kids, that you are on a diet. You can count on them to say "I thought you were on a diet" when they see you eyeing that twinkie.
The most imporant factor that will determine your ability to stick through the Atkin's diet consists of knowing ahead of time what food you can eat and purchasing it in advanced. From experience, I can tell you that if you just jump into this diet without stocking the right foods in the refrigerator, you are more likely to revert back to old eating habits.
Put a calendar on the refrigerator which marks what day you are on in your diet. For each day completed, mark it off. Placing the calendar on the refrigerator will make you think twice before raiding the refrigerator
Place a picture of yourself when you were thin or a picture of the type of figure that you would like to have on your bathroom mirror. Each morning this will be the first thing you see and it will remind you about your diet. I also recommend keeping a picture in your wallet or purse, since if you have the desire to buy something you should not be eating the picture will keep you honest.
If you have little will power then stock your refrigerator with a week worth of food that is Atkin's friendly, if your work has a refrigerator place some Atkin's friendly items in there too. This way you alway have access to healthy food.